Nursing Training Manikins Now: What The Usage Is


Before working in hospitals, health centers, emergency services nurses have spent 3 years (graduates) and 4 years (graduates) in nursing schools. That is the place where we learn, we know many aspects of our profession and above all we train. A very important part of our training is the practices we carry out in Nursing schools. The Nursing Training Manikins work perfect there.

In here simulation is being incorporated into the educational landscape through simulation centers based on different models. These centers meet various requirements. They are usually interactive spaces, thanks to the use of ICTs, they have training laboratories, and analysis and feedback workshop rooms. They reproduce a real care environment and have state-of-the-art technical devices for patient care.

The person in charge of the Center for Simulation and Innovation in Health (CSIS) of Tecnocampus, Carolina Chabrera, very kindly pays us a visit to the facilities. "The objective is to facilitate and promote the development and comprehensive training of students and health professionals, using the most innovative learning methods." "It is a new learning model that follows the teaching quality standards and where innovation and research are the fundamental pillars." The Nursing Training Manikins are no doubt useful in this matter now.

What does the simulation center provide to students?

Clinical Simulation provides us with a new learning and training method where knowledge, skills and human values ​​are intertwined. Simulation, as defined by the Center for Medical Simulation, is a situation or scenario created to allow people to experience the representation of a real situation in order to practice, learn, evaluate, test or acquire knowledge.


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