Manikin options With Essential Solutions

Nursing is a profession within the health sector. Nurses provide physical and psychological support to people and help maintain an optimal quality of life. In general, nurses follow the instructions of the doctors, although sometimes there is also private practice. But this already depends on the level of nursing training knowledge of the nurse. 

·        The origins of the nursing profession have their origins in religious institutions and began with nuns. They often spent time caring for the sick and needy. Even in our time, there are religious roots, as very often nurses are called "ward sisters".

·        During the appointment, help the doctor in filling out medical documentation: give a referral for tests and consultations to specialist doctors, write out certificates, prescriptions, leaflets of temporary disability, meals for the dairy kitchen.

·        If the child is referred for inpatient treatment, the nurse must monitor the situation (by phone or during a direct visit to the family) and report the result to the local doctor.

The regulations

To regulate the flow of visitors, ensuring extraordinary reception of children with acute conditions and rationally distribute the reception of other children.

Measure the child, as directed by the doctor, blood pressure, conduct thermometry and other medical procedures.

Smart Monitoring

Monitor the timely receipt of laboratory and other research results and paste them into children's medical records.

·        Conduct antenatal care for pregnant women within 10 days from the date of receipt of information about the pregnant woman from the antenatal clinic.

·        Carry out, together with a pediatrician, patronage to newborn children for the first time 3 days after discharge from the maternity hospital (children from the "risk" group are visited on the day of discharge).

Conduct timely repeated patronages for children of the 1st year of life within the established timeframes: at 1 month of life - once a week, from 1 to 3 months - 1 time in 10 days, from 3 to 6 months - 2 once a month, from 9 to 1 year, once a month.


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