What makes the Nursing Simulator Perfect


CSIS teachers through the virtual classroom, in our case moodle, provide dossiers with theory, videos, articles and any type of resource they consider necessary so that the student can study the procedure independently before attending the session. In this way, the session is totally practical through simulation in order to develop skills and apply critical thinking from the theoretical knowledge already acquired.

In order to make the simulation of a case as real as possible, and to help the students to put themselves in the situation, the challenge that is presented to the teachers is important since in simulation there is no expression "imagine that ...". The use of new technologies must be accompanied by creativity to recreate a situation with the maximum possible realism, including the use of fluids (bilious debit, mucus, vomit, etc.) and all kinds of props. The Nursing Simulator works perfect.

The experience on the part of teachers and students is very good due to the degree of commitment on both sides and the individual attention when working with 8-11 students per group.

Do students adapt well to this new learning system?

Yes. It is true that at first this methodology surprises them a bit, but once the dynamics are explained and they are located within the simulation spaces they adapt quickly.

What are the advantages of simulation?

The advantages that simulation offers to students are many. Traditionally, simulation was only used in Master students or during the permanent training of health professionals. However, the Higher School of Health Sciences Tecnocampus has bet from the beginning to implement the simulation in the Degree in Nursing due to the multiple benefits it has.

·        Clinical simulation allows you to learn and practice as many times as necessary without putting patients' lives at risk, as well as working with algorithms and protocols. In addition, it allows to reproduce rare clinical cases in routine practice and adapt to these situations. Sometimes, complex clinical situations do not allow student learning due to the urgency they imply. In this case, as in any other situation, the simulation allows the student to adapt and develop learning based on their own experience.

·        On the other hand, simulation allows the recording of cases for later analysis, stimulating self-criticism through interactive learning through immediate feedback.

·        However, the main disadvantage is based on the costs of facilities and simulation equipment as well as the time required to prepare each session.

Are students better prepared with the simulation center?


Without a doubt, Yes! This statement is not based on a personal opinion but, on the one hand, based on the inputs received from the health centers that highlight the knowledge, critical thinking and skills that our students have.



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